


Frequent Questions and Answers

Is it normal to feel nervous about starting therapy?

Feeling nervous about starting therapy is completely normal. It’s common to struggle with finding the right words to express your emotions. If you’ve had difficulty opening up to friends or loved ones in the past, the fear surrounding it can be overwhelming. Seeking help for your challenges is a significant step that requires courage. In therapy, you can be yourself and feel safe without judgment, even if you’re feeling nervous. I’m dedicated to addressing your nervousness and ensuring that sessions are as comfortable as possible. Feel free to discuss your concerns during a free phone consultation.

How do I know if you’re the right therapist for me?

Take your time to explore my website and see if you resonate with what you read. If you feel that I might be a good fit for you, you can schedule a free phone consultation through my online scheduler. During this consultation, you can ask questions specific to your needs and learn how I’ve helped others facing similar challenges. We can discuss what a typical session with me is like and address any concerns you may have. The initial sessions serve as an experiment to gauge how comfortable you feel. It’s important to find a therapist who is the right fit for you, and we can explore that together.

What if I don’t want to talk about something?

It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed or even terrified about discussing certain topics. Some things can be difficult to talk about. In our sessions, you always have the choice of whether or not you feel ready to discuss something. We’ll collaborate and determine what you’re comfortable opening up about. Together, we’ll work through the challenging aspects, and you can also express your nervousness about discussing certain topics. Feel free to share your feelings in session, as we’re here to address them.

I’m scared that if I open up, you will think I’m a bad person.

If you open up to me, I won’t think you’re a bad person. On the contrary, I’ll consider you extremely brave and strong. Many of my clients have shared the same fear, but through working together, I’ve realized that the challenges you face are normal and natural. There’s no need to feel ashamed, as nothing you say will lead to judgment from me. I understand that nobody is perfect, and we all have our strengths, weaknesses, and emotional ups and downs. My aim is to provide a safe space where you can feel heard and supported without judgment.

Does what we talk about in therapy remain confidential?

Confidentiality is a significant aspect of therapy. Rest assured that unless there’s a risk of harm to yourself or others, what you share in sessions remains strictly between us. I highly respect your privacy and value the trust you place in me. You can discuss anything without fear of the information being disclosed to your friends, family, or colleagues. If you have specific questions regarding confidentiality, feel free to ask during your free phone consultation or at any time during our work together.

What do I expect in our first session:

During the first session, we will conduct a structured assessment to gain a deeper understanding of your unique situation and the challenges that led you to seek therapy. 
You will have the opportunity to share more about yourself, and we can discuss your past experiences with mental health, including what has worked and what hasn’t. Some questions that are typically addressed in the first session include:

What brings you to therapy?

Have you previously attended therapy? If so, how was your experience?

What are the goals you would like to achieve through therapy?

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You might be interested in learning about my training or what the therapy sessions will be like. 

The primary purpose of the first session is for you to assess whether I am a good fit for you. It’s important for you to feel welcomed, secure, and at ease in our sessions. 
If you feel comfortable and satisfied with our initial meeting, we can discuss the possibility of continuing our work together. 

Getting started:

To begin I offer free phone conversation where you can only discuss what is bothering you, and I can share my insight on how I can assist you.

Take the next step by scheduling your free phone consultation through my online scheduler today. My services are worldwide, and sessions are conducted via zoom or google meet. Schedule free session online through my client portal.

I’d love to hear from you

Ramatu Daroda, C. Hyp. Certified RTT Therapist



Business Address:
Shop 275, Mabushi Ultramodern Market Kado, Abuja, FCT 900108, Nigeria

Once I get your request, I’ll confirm availability via email, and we’ll be all set for your session.

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